Saturday, February 27, 2010

Getting there now...

For detailed changes click here.

I am pleased to say, my map editor is almost 100% complete. I’d judge it at about 85% considering I can’t add the actual “Game Entities” yet until I’ve actually programmed them. But I’m also happy because when it does come to implementing them it should be a piece of cake, I am really starting love my GUI system now for ease of use. It’s basically a onetime set up and it handles itself! The only thing that is a bit annoying is all the call-back functions, even though they normally 1 – 3 lines of code, they are many. One for every element anyway. I don’t like them because they are a pain to name nicely, and they seem messy. But I guess that is just how it has to be. (I just watched the video and found some more bugs, you will probably see them, guess that is what I get for opening my mouth :P).

Since my last post where I listed the changes I had made within the GUI I thought it would be a good idea to keep a sort of “change log.txt” for every post. I won’t fill out every post with it, instead I have made a quick post before this one which I will keep updating with every new post I make. The log will indicate what I have gotten done from one post to the next. For some reason it also helps me come up with what I should be doing next which is only a good thing! There is a link on the right to the change log, but I will also put it at the top of every post just so I don’t have to point it out all the time.
I’m not going to go into any great detail in this post because my last lot have been way to long, but take a look at the video below and you can see how far it has come in just a day, or two, I can’t remember if I posted yesterday or the day before now... Anyway, to the eye candy!

Because I haven’t talked much, if at all about what type of game I’m making you might wonder why I only have 6 different cell sprites. Eventually, probably by the end of next week, each sprite will hold a lot of different types of the same sprite that the editor will choose randomly. Obviously I’m not going to keep them one colour, but they represent what they are meant to be, grass, mountain, water, tree etc... I’m going to use the editor to do the work for me when it comes to mapping as I’m too lazy to fill in all the corners of a forest, or make the mountain flow... Hope you get what I mean, I can’t really explain it without a picture or a video of it, but imagine Advance Wars map editor, when you lay down grass there it automatically fills in the edges for water, sand, trees etc...

Another thing I need to add is the selection of different size of maps. Earlier today I had 2 text boxes which let you set them yourself, but since my game won’t need that attention to detail, I’m going to add buttons for a small\medium\large map when creating a new one which will suffice.

God this is getting long again, well until next time, if you can’t be good, don’t be.

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